Tuesday, September 30, 2014

#4 Campus Map

Week 4 has us chose a campus map that we find has good graphical representations of its buildings. I found that the map for Allegheny College to have a good mix of 3D elements while preserving a good representation of the campus layout.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lab 3!

We were tasked to recreate a map of the historic Harpers Ferry area. This is the result

Map Post #3

This is an infographic type map that displays the CO2 emissions of the world in comparison to their 1990 data. This map was created when it was determined that China had overtaken the US in total carbon emission output. For more detail about this data you can read more here. The original source was found here!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lab 2!

This lab had us create and figure out the scale for a Mollweide Graticule. This is the results.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lab Project One

This is the first image produced in the GGS 310 class. It represents the four illustrations of a Sphere, Geoid, Ellipsoid, and Natural Surface.

The power of projection!

Map Projections can have dramatic effects on distorting land masses and apparent size of countries. These maps show a few examples of how a country can be distorted. More detailed explanations of these maps can be found Here!