Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Proportional Symbols Map

This class we were tasked to find an interesting proportional symbols map. This map illustrates tweets about beer across the US. More into found here!

Lab 6

The printed vs digital map shows a large difference in colors used, I found the digital version to more accurately represent the data chosen as the printed version skewed the hues selected. 

Lab 4

Lab 4 Map

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blog Post 6: Colors!

We finally get to experiment with color so for the map example I've chosen one of my favorite maps of all time. The Geologic map of the US. More info can be found here!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lab 5 Gray Chloropleth Maps

One of the initial differences seen is the greater abundance of light colored states depicting less vacant houses among the Midwest in the Equal Interval Map. The Natural Breaks map makes the Florida panhandle and surrounding states appear to have a higher value when compared to the Equal Interval map.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chloropleth map example

This is a map of the United States that depicts the quantity of organic material in soil. Areas in the Midwest stand out as well as swamp areas in Georgia and the Florida Everglades. This map was used in part with several others to create a National map of Vegetation Eco-regions found here.