Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Project proposal

Final Project Proposal

-map subject - Sunken ships and their relative value
-reason why this is your pick - Because i've never seen a map like this and it would be interesting to try and create. 
-map audience - 18th century pirates.
-type of map you're envisioning Tourist style map depicting great caches of treasure lost at sea
-scope of map (world? Virginia? Dorm room?) Caribbean islands.
-data specs (note where the data is from, the year, the size/complexity of the dataset, and the apparent accuracy)
-basemap needed for map - Caribbean islands
-expected production steps (be realistic and calendar focused) Gather data, accuire maps, import data, depict proper symbolization.
-challenges you perceive

Lost treasures of the world
Create a map with identifying locations of famous shipwrecks and treasure hidden throughout the world
I would like to create a map that could be used as an educational resource for those interested in the history of lost treasures of the world
I plan on gathering a multitude of famous and historic maps in order to compile them into an overview of famous lost treasures of the world to highlight areas of interest.
Initially I planned on presenting this data on a global scale but through more research I hope to find areas I can focus on specifically such as the Caribbean and the surrounding areas of the English trade routes.
I would like to compare the relative predicted value of these shipwrecks and their locations to create a proportional symbol map that highlights these areas.

The base map used will be determined by what area I decide to focus on, be it the Caribbean, Bermuda triangle, or British islands.
List of Sunken Ships

Link 1

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